Purpose: We conducted a study to determine the treatment of perineal a
nd genital burns, the results of therapy and the complications of such
burns. Materials and Methods: A review of the records of 4,216 patien
ts treated between 1981 and 1995 at the Burn Center of the Academic Su
rgical Center Stuivenberg, revealed 87 male and 30 female patients, 6
months to 86 years old who had associated burns to the perineum or gen
italia. Mean burn size was 21% of the total body surface area. Causes
of burn injury were scald in 55% of the cases, flame in 24%, chemical
in 16% and others in 4%. Results: There were 16 deaths in this group (
13.6%) but none was related to the perineal or genital burns. Of the 1
01 survivors 41% required Foley catheters but the catheters were indwe
lling during resuscitation only (range 1 to 99 days). Perineal and gen
ital burns were treated by topical antimicrobials. Only 10 patients (9
.9%) required split-thickness skin grafts. As late complication 2 pati
ents had scar formation of the penile shaft, which was treated with mu
ltiple Z-plasties, and of the prepuce, which was treated by circumcisi
on, respectively. In 1 patient, who presented with erectile dysfunctio
n diagnostic evaluation was negative. Conclusions: Conservative manage
ment of perineal and genital burns is recommended.