The renin-angiotensin system plays a major role in regulating blood pr
essure and maintaining electrolyte and volume homeostasis, Previously,
the angiotensinogen gene, which encodes the key substrate for renin w
ithin this system, has been reported linked to and associated with ess
ential hypertension in White Europeans, African-Caribbeans, and Japane
se, Therefore, we investigated whether the angiotensinogen gene might
be similarly implicated in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension
in Chinese by carrying out linkage analysis in 310 hypertensive siblin
g pairs, Genotypes for two diallelic DNA polymorphisms observed at ami
no acid residues 174 (T174M) and 235 (M235T) within the coding sequenc
e and for two highly informative dinucleotide (GT)-repeat sequences (o
ne in the 3' flanking region, and one at a distance of 6.1 cM from the
gene) were determined, Affected sibpair analysis conducted according
to three different algorithms (S.A.G.E./SIBPAL, MAPMAKER/SIBS, and APM
methods) revealed no evidence for linkage of the angiotensinogen gene
to hypertension. Our data indicate that molecular variants of this ge
ne do not appear to contribute materially to the pathogenesis of prima
ry hypertension among Chinese (a notion supported by concomitant, dire
ct estimates of power), and that the disease relevance of this gene ma
y vary therefore depending on ethnicity.