Eight male goats of Cheghu breed, 1-2 years old, weighing 19.5-35.2kg
were divided into two groups of four animals in each. Digestibility an
d N-balance measurements were made on berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum)
based rations which were given either alone (T-1 group) or supplement
ed with crushed maize (T-2 group) to provide different levels of energ
y about their maintenance requirements. Energy and N balances were det
ermined by conducting respiration calorimetry trials on all the indivi
dual animals in an open circuit respiration chamber. The DM intake was
50.1 and 65.2 gkg(-1)W(0.75) per day in T-1 and T-2 groups, respectiv
ely, which were different (P < 0.05) from each other. The animals in b
oth groups were in positive N balance. The ME intake per kgW(0.75) per
day in T-2 group (696.2 kJ) was higher (P < 0.05) than T-1 group (482
kJ). The retention of energy per kgW(0.75) per day in T-2 group was 1
49.2 kJ which was higher (P < 0.05) than that in T-1 (6 kJ) group. The
energy requirement for maintenance (MEm), determined from regression
of energy retention (ER) on metabolizable energy intake (MEI), was 476
kJkg(-1)W(0.75) per day. Fasting heat production (FHP) was 326 kJkg(-
1)W(0.75) per day with efficiency of utilization of ME for maintenance
(k(m)) 0.686. It is concluded that the ME requirements for maintenanc
e of pashmina bearing Cheghu goats which inhabit the higher altitude o
f Himalayan range under severe cold and dry climate is similar to the
goats found in the plains of India. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.