Burning and harvest frequency can affect the vigor of switch grass (Pa
nicum virgatum L.), big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman), and ind
iangrass [Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash] A field study was established
in 1986 and from 1988 to 1991 treatments were applied with burning in
March, April, or May with unburned controls. Forage was harvested from
plots 1 (June), 2 (June and July), or 3 (June, July, and August) time
s with unharvested control plots included. Treatments were applied to
the same plots annually and were arranged in a split-split plot, rando
mized complete block design. The main plot was species, the subplot wa
s burning, and the suh-subplot was harvest frequency. Big bluestem pro
duced 147 and 122% more etiolated biomass in spring than did switchgra
ss or indiangrass, respectively. Effects of harvest management on plan
t vigor occurred after 1 growing-season, but changed little during the
remainder of the study. Etiolated biomass declined more as harvest fr
equency increased from 2 to 3 harvests than from 1 to 2 harvests (213,
205, and 162 g m(-2) for 1, 2, and 3 harvests per summer, respectivel
y). Big bluestem produced 95 and 33% more tillers than switchgrass and
indiangrass, respectively, and burning stimulated tillering an averag
e of 32% across all species and harvest treatments. Harvest frequency
increased tiller density. However, plant vigor as measured by etiolate
d growth decreased as harvest frequency increased. This suggests that
with these species tillering may occur at the expense of energy storag
e with frequent defoliation. Vigorous spring etiolated growth and high
tillering potential may partially explain the dominance of big bluest
em in the tallgrass prairie.