A grazing study was initiated in the foothills of southwestern Alberta
on the rough fescue grasslands (Festuca campestris (Rydb.) in 1949 co
mparing various grazing intensities. In 1992, soil samples were obtain
ed from the Ah horizon of paddocks grazed at 1.2 (light), 2.4 (heavy),
and 4.8 (very heavy) animal unit month ha(-1) and from an ungrazed ex
closure (control). The thickness of the Ah horizon of the control aver
aged 22 cm while that of the lightly, heavily and very heavily grazed
paddocks averaged 18, 12, and 8 cm, respectively. Soil color changed f
rom 10YR 2/1 (black) to 10YR 4/3 (dark brown to brown) in response to
very heavy grazing. Grazing pressures decreased the mean-weight diamet
er of water-stable aggregates, total C and P, monosaccharide content a
nd the galactose + mannose/xylose + arabinose ratio, while it increase
d bulk density, pH-CaCl2, and total N. The loss of P must be viewed wi
th concern. Treatment effects on most soil parameters were most pronou
nced at the two heavier grazing pressures. Particularly, the heavy gra
zing pressure jeopardized the sustainability of the ecosystem by reduc
ing fertility and water-holding capacity.