Infection of the thyroid gland with Coccidioides immitis, the causativ
e agent of coccidioidomycosis, is very rarely recognized antemortem. W
e report 2 recent cases, one immunosuppressed by corticosteroid treatm
ent of sarcoidosis and. the other without any recognized impairment of
host defenses. In the first case, thyroid gland involvement was but 1
indication of disseminated infection, In the second case, the patient
appeared to have autoimmune thyrotoxicosis without clinical evidence
of coccidioidomycosis is elsewhere. Although historical autopsy studie
s have indicated that coccidioidal involvement of the thyroid gland ca
n infrequently occur as part of fatal disseminated infection, to our k
nowledge only 2 other cases of infection detected during life have bee
n reported. Optimal treatment of this rare complication of coccidioido
mycosis is uncertain.