Background: Vision screening in preschool and school age children rema
ins a valuable method of identifying potentially treatable visual abno
rmalities, as well as refractive errors in the school age population.
A major difficulty in conducting these types of programs is the incons
istent follow-up encountered frequently in children identified by the
screening program, The Baltimore Vision Screening Project was designed
to address the issue of access to care for a group of inner city elem
entary school students by providing on-site evaluation and treatment.
Methods: A standard vision-screening protocol was administered to prek
indergarten and kindergarten students attending an inner city elementa
ry school and access to care provided at the school, Children identifi
ed by the screening were examined at the school, and appropriate treat
ment was prescribed. The second phase of the study details a return to
the school 1 year after the initial screening, The purpose of this wa
s to reassess the level of visual morbidity in this population and to
evaluate the effects of providing treatment in the previous year. Resu
lts: Two hundred eighty-five children were screened during the 1994-19
95 school year. Visual morbidity statistics from the follow-up year we
re similar to those of the previous screening: 5.3% diagnosed with amb
lyopia, 3.2% with strabismus, and 7.4% with refractive errors. Forty o
f the 68 children identified, examined, and treated in the previous ye
ar still were attending the school during the follow-up investigation.
Compliance with recommended treatment was 30% in this group, with onl
y 20% of the students passing the vision screening the following year.
Conclusions: The follow-up screening confirmed the presence of signif
icant visual morbidity in this group of preschool and kindergarten stu
dents. Nearly two thirds of the students had not complied with the rec
ommended treatment or spectacle wear or both, despite providing immedi
ate access to this care through the vision-screening program.