It has been suggested that recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) may cause
pyschological and psychiatric problems, although the effects of rIL-2
on its own have not been well documented. To evaluate these effects,
17 patients with advanced colorectal cancer took part in a randomised,
parallel group study of rIL-2 with chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil and l
eucovorin) versus chemotherapy alone. Patients were assessed regularly
by means of various psychometric tests including the Hospital Anxiety
and Depression Scale, the Mood Rating Scale, the Mini-Mental State Ex
amination, the Digit Symbol Substitution Test, the Trail-Making Test a
nd the Benton Revised Visual Retention Test. Rigorous discontinuation
criteria were applied to ensure that the effect of time-related variab
les did not influence the results. Compared with patients who were giv
en chemotherapy alone, patients receiving immunochemotherapy reported
reduced energy, impaired confidence, higher depressed mood and more co
nfusion. Immunochemotherapy was rated as more distressing than chemoth
erapy alone and patients reported a greater incidence of appetite impa
irment, weight loss, poor concentration and fever. Cognitive assessmen
ts indicated that brain dysfunction can be caused by rIL-2. Compared w
ith the control group, patients receiving immunochemotherapy showed si
gnificant impairment on Trail Making Test B and the Digit Symbol Subst
itution Test. One patient developed repeated transient psychotic episo
des. associated with rIL-2 infusions and another regularly became conf
used. These effects were not due to sleep deprivation or pyrexia. Trea
tment with rIL-2 should not be discarded on psychosocial grounds, alth
ough in each case the psychological morbidity and adverse effects on q
uality of life need to be balanced carefully against potential therape
utic benefits. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.