A series of simulation runs were made using the computer model VSAFT2
(Yeh & Srivastava 1990) to estimate the ''wicking'' potential of five
low-permeability liner materials including excel, celite slurry, kiln
dust, rock creek clay and celite waste. The unsaturated hydraulic prop
erties for these materials were assumed to be represented by the van G
enuchten model (1978). The hypothetical liner system simulated consist
ed of 0.305 m (1 foot) of low permeability material underlain by a med
ium sand. The purpose of this modelling effort was to quantify the eff
ects of liner thickness and leakage rate on the lateral spreading of t
he wetting front, and to determine the effectiveness of the diffusivit
y function in predicting the migration of the wetting front. Results i
ndicate, as expected, that the liner material with the lowest permeabi
lity retards vertical movement the most; however, the horizontal wicki
ng effect is also limited. Additional multi-layer liner systems will b
e simulated in the next phase of the project to improve liner wicking
performance. (C) 1995 ISWA