Between July 1992 and October 1996, 100 transperitoneal laparoscopic a
drenalectomies were performed on 99 patients at our hospital and affil
iated hospitals, The clinical diagnoses were primary aldosteronism (41
patients), Gushing's syndrome (15), pre-Gushing's syndrome (6), pheoc
hromocytoma (7; 8 adrenal glands), adrenal cancer (2), nonfunctioning
adenoma (22), myelolipoma (3), and complicated adrenal cyst (3), Ninet
y-seven glands were removed laparoscopically. The mean operative time
was 240 +/- 76 (SD) minutes and the mean blood loss 68 +/- 80 mt for t
he series, The mean blood was 77 +/- 113 mt when the three operations
that were converted to open surgery are included, The mean times for t
he return to a normal diet and unassisted ambulation were 1.3 +/- 0.6
and 1.4 +/- 0.8 days, respectively, The mean duration of the use of an
algesics was 1.5 +/- 1.3 days, including the day of surgery, In contra
st, in the latest 10 open adrenalectomies done at Kyoto University Hos
pital, the mean operative time was 186 +/- 53 minutes and the mean blo
od loss 220 +/- 170 mt. The mean times for return to a normal diet and
for unassisted ambulation and the mean duration of the use of analges
ics were 1.9 +/- 0.3, 2.9 +/- 1.1, and 2.9 +/- 1.7 days, respectively,
Thirty-six operations, excluding one converted to open surgery, perfo
rmed at Kyoto University Hospital were selected to look at the learnin
g curve for transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy and evaluated f
or operative time and blood loss, The mean operative time and mean blo
od loss in the first 10 procedures performed at Kyoto University Hospi
tal mere 256 +/- 63 minutes and 89 +/- 57 mt; however, these values we
re reduced to 177 +/- 39 minutes and 48 +/- 32 mt in the next 10 proce
dures at the same hospital, Laparoscopic adrenalectomy via the transpe
ritoneal anterior approach can be equivalent to open adrenalectomy in
efficiency with a shorter convalescence.