Nine microalgar species commonly cultured as food in mariculture were
assessed as food for larvae of Mimachlamys asperrima. Larvae were cult
ured for seven to nine days in a shaker incubator cabinet and fed a ra
nge of monospecific, binary and ternary algal diets. When fed a single
algal species, the greatest increases in shell length occurred with P
avlova lutheri. When fed the remaining eight algal species in combinat
ion with P. lutheri, Chaetoceros calcitrans and Tahitian Isochrysis af
f. galbana produced the greatest shell length increases. In both these
experiments, increases in larval shell length were correlated with la
rval survival. The greatest larval growth recorded in these trials was
with a diet combining the three previously listed algae. To optimise
the use of this ternary diet, the maximum proportion of C. calcitrans
in the diet before significant reductions in growth occurred was estim
ated at 44%. However, synergistic improvements in growth of larvae fed
ternary diets were achieved with the inclusion of as little as 10% C.
calcitrans. Larval growth decreased when the frequency with which lar
vae were fed each of the three algal species in the ternary diet was r
educed from daily, to diets in which six days passed before larvae rec
eived each species. The concentration and storage (2-7 days) of the te
rnary diet before feeding did not affect larval growth or survival, no
r did the change from discontinuous (twice daily) to continuous feedin
g regimens. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.