The dynamics of the nebula N59 (B053540-6736), located at the boundary
of the supershell LMC 4 in the Large Magellanic Cloud, is studied usi
ng a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer. It is shown that the nebulae
NGC 2032 and 2035, which form the bright core of the H II region N 59
A (B0535306736), belong to a single H II region which looks divided du
e to the presence of a heavy dust lane. This bright core presents an e
xpansion motion of 24 km s(-1). The kinetic energy involved in this mo
tion is of about 1.5 x 10(49) erg. This value is compatible either wit
h a supernova explosion origin or with a formation by the winds of int
erior massive stars. Since no clear traces of a SN explosion have been
found in this nebula and since the stellar content of N 59A (B053530-
6736) is rich in blue stars, we conclude that these stars, mainly the
very massive star HDE 269810 (R122), and probably other stars hidden b
y the dust lane, are sufficient in providing the wind power to drive t
he expansion motion. The dust lane seems to be mixed in with the nebul
ar gas and the stars, suggesting a site where star formation may still
take place. An extended shell, probably ionized by the star R122, has
been detected at the same velocities as the slab, at blueshifted velo
city, seen in the foreground absorption. The star R122 contributes to
the high excitation of the faint diffuse gas, and perhaps of some fart
her nebulae. To the East, the SNR 0536-676 remains as a trace of the e
xistence of another massive s tar which had already exploded. The kine
matics of N 59B (B053610-6736) which contains the SNR 0536-676, is als
o studied corroborating the results of previous studies.