Cross reactivities among human and wild hoofed mammalian haptoglobins
were studied by previously characterized monoclonal anti-human haptogl
obin antibody, clone Haptoglobins present in serum of most
animals, members of Bovidae and Cervidae families, were recognized by
monoclonal anti-human haptoglobin antibody in ELISA. Moreover, Bovida
e and Cervidae haptoglobins, like human haptoglobin type 2-2, formed v
isible precipitates in agarose gel. Monoclonal antibody anti-human hap
toglobin, clone reacted with highly conserved immunological
determinant present an human type 2-2 and on Bovidae and Cervidae hap
toglobin molecules. Monoclonal antibody could be considered
as an excellent reagent used in veterinary diagnosis for fast discove
ry of some inflammatory diseases of wild and domestic Artiodactyla.