Optimal, low-thrust, Earth-moon orbit transfers are found using the me
thod of collocation with nonlinear programming, The initial spacecraft
Earth orbit is arbitrary; the final lunar orbit is arbitrary, The moo
n is in its actual orbit. The vehicle dynamics include the effects of
the moon's gravity during the Earth-departure phase and the effects of
the Earth's gravity during the lunar-arrival phase. Total transfer ti
me is minimized, However, because the propulsion system operates conti
nuously, i.e., no coast are is allowed, the trajectory is also propell
ant minimizing. A very low initial thrust acceleration of 10(-4) g yie
lds flight times of approximately 32 days requiring many revolutions o
f both the Earth and the moon. Ignoring third-body gravity, i.e., solv
ing the problem as two coupled two-body problems, changes the optimal
trajectory only slightly, for example, decreasing the travel time by a
few hours, The optimal trajectory is also insensitive to change in en
gine specific impulse so long as the same initial thrust acceleration
magnitude is used.