We estimated the range expansion of Barred Owls (Strix varia) in Calif
ornia and the potential negative effects this species may have on Spot
ted Owls (Strix occidentalis). Barred Owl range expansion has been rap
id over the past two decades. A total of 61 Barred Owls has been detec
ted in 12 different California counties. Barred Owls were first sighte
d in California in 1981 in Del Norte and Trinity counties. They now ha
ve been detected as far south as Sonoma County in western California a
nd Yuba County in the Sierra Nevada. The ratio of new Barred Owl sites
found per new Spotted Owl territory has increased from one per 50 Spo
tted Owl territories in the 1980s to one per 10 to 20 new Spotted Owl
territories in the mid 1990s. This suggests that the Barred Owl popula
tion in California is increasing. In addition seven Barred Owl x Spott
ed Owl hybrids have been reported in California. Because of the potent
ial for hybridization, competition for food and habitat, and predation
, it appears that the Barred Owl could influence Spotted Owl populatio
ns negatively.