Social network analysis (SNA) is a set of procedures that use indices
of relatedness among individuals to produce representations of social
structures and positions inherent in dyads or groups. This approach di
ffers from traditional research strategies in that the focus is on dev
eloping an understanding of the ongoing transactions and the implicati
ons of transactional patterns between individuals, groups, or other so
cial units. Although the primary emphasis in SNA is on the social cont
ext, network analysts also include traditional individual-differences
variables as potential explanatory factors. SNA methods provide the me
ans to derive a more complete view of a given social environment. A gr
oup-psychotherapy example is used to provide an overview of SNA, intro
ducing the concepts, notation, and statistical methods used by the cur
rent generation of network researchers. Methodological issues are disc
ussed, applications are reviewed, and resources are recommended for th
ose wishing to learn more about SNA.