Past efforts to conceptualize the effects of welfare on work have fail
ed to consider the full range of incentives and disincentives that low
-skill single mothers perceive and act upon when making the choice bet
ween welfare and work. They also have neglected the fundamental econom
ic reality of these mothers' lives-neither welfare nor low-wage work g
ives single mothers enough income to meet their families' expenses. In
-depth interviews with 379 low-income single mothers in four U.S. citi
es show that welfare recipients and low-wage workers employ a set of s
urvival strategies to make ends meet. The range of strategies availabl
e to mothers is shaped by the social-structural characteristics of the
cities in which they live and by the quality of their private social
safety nets. We argue that because some survival strategies are more c
ompatible with work than others, the strategies a mother employs may a
ffect her ability to move from welfare to work. Most welfare recipient
s want to leave welfare for work. However most also believe that unles
s they can lower the costs associated with work or increase their earn
ing power through investments in further education, they will be unabl
e to meet their expenses by working.