A simulation method was developed for identifying populations with lev
els of human-caused mortality that could lead to depletion, caking int
o account the uncertainty of available information. ii mortality limit
(termed the Potential Biological Removal, PBR, under the U.S. Marine
Mammal Protection Act) was calculated as the product of a minimum popu
lation estimate (N-MIN), one-half of the maximum net productivity rate
(R-MAX), and a recovery factor (F-R). Mortality limits were evaluated
based on whether at least 95% of the simulated populations met two cr
iteria: (1) that populations starting at the maximum net productivity
level (MNPL) stayed there or above after 20 yr, and (2) that populatio
ns starting at 30% of carrying-capacity (K) recovered to at least MNPL
after 100 yr. Simulations of populations that experienced mortality e
qual to the PBR indicated that using approximately the 20th percentile
(che lower 60% log-normal confidence limit) of the abundance estimate
for N-MIN met the criteria for both cetaceans (assuming R-MAX = 0.04)
and pinnipeds (assuming R-MAX = 0.12). Additional simulations that in
cluded plausible levels of bias in the available information indicated
that using a value of 0.5 for F-R would meet both criteria during the
se ''bias trials.'' It is concluded that any marine mammal population
with an estimate of human-caused mortality that is greater than its PB
R has a level of mortality that could lead to the depletion of the pop
ulation. The simulation methods were also used to show how mortality l
imits could be calculated to meet conservation goals other than the U.
S. goal elf maintaining populations above MNPL.