To investigate the aetiology of hydatidiform mole, laminin-1 expressio
n was determined in human villous tissues obtained from normal pregnan
cies (n = 17) and complete hydatidiform moles (n = 10). Indirect immun
ofluorescent staining was performed to detect laminin-l, and Northern
blot analysis was performed to assess expression of laminin mRNA. Seru
m concentrations of laminin P-1 were also measured. Immunohistochemica
l analysis revealed stronger staining of the trophoblastic basement me
mbrane in hydatidiform mole than in normal pregnancy. Northern blot an
alysis revealed that villous expression of laminin mRNA was significan
tly increased in hydatidiform mole compared with normal pregnancy (P <
0.05), The serum laminin P-1 concentration was also significantly hig
her in those patients with hydatidiform mole than in normal pregnancy
(P < 0.05). These results suggest that laminin-1 might play an importa
nt role in determining the pathophysiology and structure of hydatidifo
rm mole. In addition, measurement of serum laminin P-1 in combination
with human chorionic gonadotrophin might be useful in the diagnosis of
hydatidiform mole, to evaluate the prognosis, and to detect the prese
nce of metastatic or recurrent disease.