Before the 20th century, groundwater circulation in the aquifers of th
e British Isles had largely adjusted to the temperate maritime climate
and sea levels established over the past 10 ka since the end of the P
leistocene. However, in the last 100 a this natural regime has been di
sturbed by abstraction of water for public supply and industrial use,
and palaeowaters from earlier recharge episodes are now becoming a fac
tor to be considered in water balance estimates. This paper presents a
synthesis of the existing palaeowater distribution in the British Isl
es, based on isotopic evidence (delta(18)O, delta(2)H and C-14). As su
ch, it has relevance to palaeoclimatic studies in addition to the wate
r resource implications. The Triassic basins of England and Northern I
reland contain saline waters beyond the range of C-14 dating (> 40 ka)
. Stable isotopic ratios show enrichment in some basins and depletion
in others, without an overall pattern that would explain all the obser
ved compositions. The results for the Wessex basin suggest recharge in
pre-quaternary times, but for the other basins some flushing by Pleis
tocene or Holocene meteoric waters is indicated. Isolated occurrences
of apparently long-residence waters are found elsewhere throughout the
British Isles, for example from Carboniferous and Lower Palaeozoic st
rata. In such cases, environmental isotopes are more useful as constra
ints on hydrogeological models than as indicators of palaeoconditions.
Major water supply aquifers are restricted almost entirely to England
. The two sandstone formations (Triassic Sherwood Sandstone and Cretac
eous Lower Greensand) have a greater range of stable isotopic values b
etween phreatic and confined conditions than the two carbonate formati
ons (Jurassic Lincolnshire Limestone and Cretaceous Chalk). This indic
ates that the sandstone aquifers are better archives of information on
palaeoconditions than the carbonate aquifers. They show that atmosphe
ric circulation patterns over Britain have probably remained the same
since the late Pleistocene. However, C-14 data from all four of the ma
jor aquifers emphasise the hiatus in recharge during periglacial condi
tions which occurred between the late Pleistocene and early Holocene.
(C) 1997 NERC. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.