Cerebellar disorders associated with HIV infection are typically the r
esult of discrete cerebellar lesions resulting from opportunistic infe
ctions such as toxoplasmosis and progressive multifocal leukoencephalo
pathy or primary CNS lymphoma. Clinical symptoms and pathologic abnorm
alities related to the cerebellum may also be observed with HIV dement
ia. A primary cerebellar degeneration with HN has not previously been
reported. Ten patients were identified over an 8-year period at five m
edical centers. All patients had clinical, laboratory, and radiologic
evaluations, and three had neuropathologic examinations. Patients pres
ented with progressively unsteady gait, slurred speech, and limb clums
iness. Examination revealed gait ataxia, impaired limb coordination, d
ysarthria, and abnormal eye movements. Cognition, strength, and sensor
y function remained normal. CD4 lymphocyte counts varied between 10 an
d 437 cells/mm(3). Neuroimaging studies showed prominent cerebellar at
rophy. Neuropathology showed focal degeneration of the cerebellar gran
ular cell layer and unusual focal axonal swellings in the brainstem an
d spinal cord. Cultures, histopathology, and immunochemical studies sh
owed no conclusive evidence of infection. We report a syndrome of unex
plained degeneration of the cerebellum occurring in association with H
IV infection.