Numbers or densities of a natural population typically change over tim
e. These fluctuations result from density-dependence mechanisms in the
populations or external environmental variations. According to modern
ecological research, time series describing population sizes and phys
ical environments tend to be dominated by low-frequency fluctuations,
whereas, contrary to this, simple population dynamic models are mostly
dominated by short-term fluctuations. We review the recent theoretica
l advances in this ecological research theme, referred to as the ecolo
gical colour problem. Here population dynamics are analysed in the fre
quency domain, and named, in analogy of the light wave length, red, wh
ite or blue. We emphasise the modern tendency of deriving population e
cological insight from dynamic, non-equilibrium analyses. We first dea
l with deterministic and stochastic single-species population dynamics
. We then study how simple communities may respond to environmental no
ise. We finish by raising the important problem of how the colour of t
he environmental noise may affect the risk of population extinction.