The folding of an 85-residue protein, the histidine-containing phospho
carrier protein HPr, has been studied using a variety of techniques in
cluding DSC, CD, ANS fluorescence, and NMR spectroscopy. In both kinet
ic and equilibrium experiments the unfolding of HPr can be adequately
described as a two-state process which does not involve the accumulati
on of intermediates. Thermodynamic characterization of the native and
the transition slates has been achieved from both equilibrium and kine
tic experiments. The heat capacity change from the denatured state to
the transition state (3.2 kJ mol(-1) K-1) is half of the heat capacity
difference between the native and denatured states (6.3 kJ mol(-1) K-
1), while the solvent accessibility of the transition state (0.36) ind
icates that its compactness is closer to that of the native than that
of the denatured state. The high value for the change in heat capacity
upon unfolding results in the observation of cold denaturation at mod
erate denaturant concentrations. Refolding from high denaturant concen
trations is, however, slow. The rate constant of folding in water, k(f
)(H2O) (14.9 s(-1)), is small compared to that reported fur other prot
eins of similar size under similar conditions. This indicates that ver
y fast refolding is not a universal character of small. globular prote
ins which fold in the absence of detectable intermediates.