Background: Histoplasma capsulatum infection in adults is most often s
ubclinical but can result in disseminated disease with weight loss, fe
ver, hepatosplenomegaly, and oropharyngeal ulcerations. Genital ulcera
tion as the presenting sign of the disease has been reported rarely. C
ase: A 63-year-old woman presented with multiple vaginal ulcerations d
ue to chronic disseminated H capsulatum infection. Initial diagnosis w
as made by Papanicolaou and Giemsa-stained vulvar smears. Ketoconazole
therapy resulted in clearing of the lesions in 5 weeks. Conclusion: C
hronic disseminated histoplasmosis is an insidious and potentially fat
al disease that can present rarely as genital mucocutaneous ulceration
s in women. Prompt presumptive diagnosis can be accomplished by examin
ation of smears obtained by ulcer abrasion, permitting institution of
appropriate therapy. (C) 1997 by the American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists.