This work concerns systems of quasi-linear first-order hyperbolic part
ial differential equations (PDEs) with uncertain variables and unmodel
ed dynamics. For systems with uncertain variables, the problem of comp
lete elimination of the effect of uncertainty on the output via distri
buted feedback (uncertainty decoupling) is initially considered; a nec
essary and sufficient condition for its solvability as well as explici
t controller synthesis formulas are derived. Then, the problem of synt
hesizing a distributed robust controller that achieves asymptotic outp
ut tracking with arbitrary degree of attenuation of the effect of unce
rtain variables on the output of the closed-loop system is addressed a
nd solved. Robustness with respect to unmodeled dynamics is studied wi
thin a singular perturbation framework. It is established that control
lers which are synthesized on the basis of a reduced-order slow model,
and achieve uncertainty decoupling or uncertainty attenuation, contin
ue to enforce these objectives in the presence of unmodeled dynamics,
provided that they are stable and sufficiently fast. The developed con
troller synthesis results are successfully implemented through simulat
ions on a fixed-bed reactor, modeled by two quasi-linear first-order h
yperbolic PDEs, where the reactant wave propagates through the bed wit
h significantly larger speed than the heat wave, and the heat of react
ion is unknown and time varying. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.