The cost-effective use of medical resources is increasingly important
in justifying strategies for medical diagnosis and management. Althoug
h some software is available to help with decision analysis, it can be
difficult to use these tools for medical applications. We have develo
ped a prototype package for modeling various medical decision strategi
es, which can be used with a Macintosh or Windows-based personal compu
ter. The system is graphically based, intuitive, and user-friendly. Th
e user constructs decision trees for comparing alternative strategies
for diagnosis and management. Selecting blocks from a library, the use
r sets mean values for variables such as prevalence, sensitivity, spec
ificity, cost, morbidity, and mortality. The system then generates the
probabilities of various pathways, using Bayesian analysis, without r
equiring the user to enter equations. It displays the best strategy in
terms of a particular criterion and, when appropriate, performs sensi
tivity analysis.