Experimental and numerical modelling results are presented for the mig
ration of liquid lenses, formed on melting of grain-boundary theta pre
cipitates in Al-3.4 wt% Cu alloys, which had been previously equilibra
ted at 400 degrees C. Liquid films of comparable thickness. formed upo
n the melting of intragranular Widmanstatten precipitates, were found
not to migrate. The modelling studies are based on the hypothesis that
the leading and trailing solid-liquid interfaces are each characteriz
ed by a constrained local equilibrium, as determined by chemical, cohe
rency and capillary terms, and that the process is driven by the liqui
d concentration gradient resulting from different equilibrium concentr
ations at the two interfaces. The model is utilized to explore the sen
sitivity of the process to variations in physico-chemical parameters,
and ultimately as an aid in the understanding of the migration of the
liquid lenses and its cessation. It is concluded that the capillary te
rm has a strong influence on thr migration process, even for liquid po
ol dimensions of several microns. (C) 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc.