Kinetic information on the substitution of sea-salt chloride by nitrat
e was deduced from a smog chamber investigation bn the reaction of air
borne NaCl with HNO3. It was found that a measurable reaction only occ
urred when the NaCl-particles were present in the form of droplets. Th
e substitution of chloride by nitrate was independent of size, which s
hows that the generation of the product (HCl gas) was the rare-limitin
g reaction step. The rate of this reaction was more than an order of m
agnitude slower than the rate at which nitric acid can reach the dropl
ets. The substitution of chloride by sulphate, in a reaction between H
2SO4 and NaCl, depended on particle size from which it was concluded t
hat the transport of H2SO4 to the aerosol was the rate-limiting proces
s. The difference in reaction of the two acids is explained by tie fac
t thar sulphuric acid is a condensable species, whereas nitric acid is
a gas. From the amount of sulphate as a function of size an uptake co
efficient for the condensing sulphuric acid was deduced as 0.1 or high
er. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.