B. Schroter et al., REFERENCE RANGES FOR FETAL BLOOD-GAS AND ACID-BASE PARAMETERS DURING THE 2ND AND 3RD TRIMESTERS OF PREGNANCY, Gynakologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau, 37(3), 1997, pp. 130-135
Objective: The aim of the study was to establish reference ranges for
fetal blood gases and acid-base balance for the second half of the ges
tation. Methods: 155 appropriate-for-gestational-age fetuses between 1
8 and 39 weeks of gestation underwent a diagnostic cordocentesis. From
a specimen obtained from umbilical venous blood the acid-base balance
and blood gases were evaluated using an AVL 995 blood gas analyzer. I
n detail, pH, oxygen partial pressure, and carbon dioxide partial pres
sure were measured and oxygen saturation, bicarbonate concentration an
d base excess calculated. Thereafter. a linear regression for gestatio
nal age was calculated and the 95% confidence interval established. Re
sults: pH, oxygen partial pressure, and oxygen saturation showed a sig
nificant decrease with advancing gestational age, whereas the carbon d
ioxide partial pressure increased. The ranges of bicarbonate and base
excess did not differ significantly. Conclusion: The results give info
rmation about blood gases in the fetus under physiological conditions,
and the reference ranges can he used for comparison in fetuses at hig
h risk of hypoxia or acidemia.