Wd. Collins et al., COMPARISON OF TROPICAL OCEAN-ATMOSPHERE FLUXES WITH THE NCAR COMMUNITY CLIMATE MODEL CCM3, Journal of climate, 10(12), 1997, pp. 3047-3058
The properties of the marine boundary layer produced by the National C
enter for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model version
3 (CCM3) are compared with observations from two experiments in the ce
ntral and western equatorial Pacific. The main objective of the compar
ison is determining the accuracy of the ocean-atmosphere fluxes calcul
ated by the model. The vertical thermodynamic structure and the surfac
e fluxes calculated by the CCM3 have been validated against data from
the Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment (CEPEX) and the Tropical Oce
an Global Atmosphere-Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TOGA-TAO) buoy array.
The mean latent heat flux for the TOGA-TAO array is 92 W m(-2), and th
e model estimate of latent flux is 109 W m(-2). The bias of 17 W m(-2)
is considerably smaller than the overestimation of the Bur by the pre
vious version of the CCM. The improvement in the latent heat flux is d
ue to a reduction in the surface winds caused by nonlocal effects of a
new convective parameterization. The agreement between the mean sensi
ble heat flux for the TOGA-TAO array and the model estimate has also b
een improved in the new version of the model. The current version of t
he CCM overestimates the sensible heat flux by 3.4 W m(-2). The atmosp
heric temperature and water vapor mixing ratio from the lowest model l
ayer are within 0.3 K and 0.4 g kg(-1) of measurements obtained from r
adiosondes. The mean model value of the boundary layer height is withi
n 13 m of the average height derived from a Raman lidar on board a shi
p in the CEPEX domain. There is some evidence that the biases in the m
odel can be reduced further by modifying the bulk formulation of the s
urface fluxes.