New chicken Rfp-Y haplotypes were determined by the use of restriction
fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC
) in four different chicken haplotypes, B-15, B-19, B-21, B-201. The R
FLP polymorphism was mapped to the Rfp-Y system by the use of a subclo
ne (18.1) which maps near a polymorphic lectin gene located in the Rfp
-Y system and DNA from families with known segregation of the implicat
ed RFLP polymorphism. For the first time it is shown that major histoc
ompatibility complex class II genes in the Rfp-Y system have functiona
l implications. Sequence information of the B1 domain of the proposed
Rfp-Y haplotypes was obtained which supported the functional data.