Fetal echocardiography is the primary modality for defining and evalua
ting fetal cardiac status and requires detailed analysis of the cardia
c anatomy from numerous views and Doppler interrogation of the intraca
rdiac structures great vessels, and umbilical artery. Referrals for fe
tal echocardiography are determined by fetal, maternal, or familial ri
sk factors; however, approximately 50% of neonates diagnosed with a co
ngenital cardiac defect have no risk factor and most have undergone an
obstetrical ultrasound during the pregnancy that did not detect a car
diac defect. Advances in transducer technology have resulted in the de
velopment of small high-frequency transvaginal probes that allow fetal
cardiac interrogation earlier during gestation. On the horizon is 3-d
imensional fetal echocardiography, which provides rapid image acquisit
ion and tremendous computer image reconstruction ability. At present,
the computer image data analysis process is lengthy and several techni
cal limitations must be overcome before 3-dimensional fetal echocardio
graphy becomes the primary modality of fetal cardiac imaging. New Dopp
ler Tissue Imaging(TM) using color Doppler energy mapping allows more
precise anatomic definition of the fetal endocardium, facilitating dia
gnosis of small Ventricular septal defects. These new advances, along
with improved image resolution, provide obstetricians and pediatric ca
rdiologists with more tools and techniques for earlier and more precis
e detection of fetuses with cardiac defects.