1. This study investigates how the density and size of conspecific nei
ghbours affected the mortality of established colonies. Data were from
a population of 250-300 colonies of the red harvester ant [Pogonomyrm
ex barbatus (F. Smith)], on a 10-ha site, from 1988 to 1995. 2. Coloni
es are more likely to die as they grow older. 3. Small neighbours tend
to lower the probability of dying. 4. The probability of dying varied
significantly from year to year. 5. There was little effect of crowdi
ng on mortality. 6. There appeared to be no spatial effects, on the sc
ale of 25 m, on the probability of dying. 7. Previous work shows effec
ts of density on the founding of new colonies and on the reproductive
output of established ones. The results presented here indicate that c
ompetition with neighbours rarely causes the death of established colo