C. Tardieu, FEMUR ONTOGENY IN HUMANS AND GREAT-APES - HETEROCHRONIC IMPLICATIONS FOR HOMINID EVOLUTION, Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie II. Sciences de la terre et des planetes, 325(11), 1997, pp. 899-904
Did the first hominids have a short developmental period similar to th
at of the great apes, or a longer period closer to that of modern huma
ns? Some morphological modifications undergone by the human femur duri
ng growth are shown to be excellent markers of different developmental
stages. The femur of the first hominids (Australopithecus afarensis)
shows only features of infantile growth, whereas characters of both in
fantile and adolescent growth are typical of later hominids (Homo). In
the first australopithecines the period of peripubertal growth would
have still been short. The prolongation of the adolescent period appea
rs to be a characteristic of Homo.