The main objective of this investigation was to study experimentally t
he behaviour of mechanical Links installed between the concrete slab a
nd the steel beams to reinforce steel bridges with noncomposite concre
te slabs. Twenty-one push-out tests were carried out on prestressed st
eel, rods, mechanical anchors, chemical anchors, and Kwik-bolt dowels
manufactured by Hilti. The parameters considered were the connector di
ameter, the prestress applied, and the concrete compressive strength.
The results showed that in comparison to the prestressed rods, the mec
hanical anchors have a 60% higher ultimate strength and a ductility 3
to 4 times larger. When prestressed rods are used, the friction coeffi
cient required can be in the order of 0.55. When mechanical anchors ar
e used, a friction coefficient of 0.35 is considered safe. The study l
ed to the conclusion that the equations given by Hilti and by the stan
dards CAN/CSA-S6-M88 of the Canadian Standard Association and OHBDC 93
of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation can predict with sufficient
accuracy the shear resistance and sliding resistance of the connector