Mineralization of organic matter in sediments are driven by a dense mi
crobial population. Large chemical concentration gradients perpendicul
ar to the interface are developed. Concentration profiles at the sedim
ent-water interface can be measured in situ with miniaturized ion-sele
ctive electrodes and fluxes, and reaction rates can be calculated with
this information. Direct flux measurements in benthic chambers are pe
rformed with isotope tracers to investigate the cycling of nutrients s
uch as nitrogen and sulfur. With the development of molecular genetics
new tools have become available to obtain information on the location
and activity of microbial communities in the sediment. This opens a f
ascinating field for collaboration between geochemists and microbiolog
ists. Flux measurements based on microsensors and in situ incubation t
echniques can now be related to microbiological information. In this c
ontribution we give an overview of the current state of research in se
nsor development, incubation techniques, and molecular genetics at EAW