A test was constructed by combining carbohydrate-deficient transferrin
(%CDT) and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GT) and was evaluated in detect
ing alcohol-dependent patients in a surgical ward. The performance of
the combined test was significantly better than that of either %CDT al
one or GT alone, as evaluated by calculating sensitivity and likelihoo
d ratio at a specificity of 0.85 and by comparing areas under receiver
-operating characteristic curves statistically. Improved performance w
as found for the whole group of patients, for men, for patients older
than 35 years of age, and for those patients consuming more than 60 g
alcohol per day. The performance of %CDT alone was similar to that of
GT, %CDT being better in the age group 35-50 years, whereas GT was bet
ter for those drinking less than 60 g per day and for the oldest patie
nts (>50 years). Neither of the two tests or their combination perform
ed well for patients younger than 36 years of age.