Female meiosis was analysed in squash preparations of ovules from thre
e meiotic mutants and wild-type plants of tomato. In the completely as
ynaptic mutant as6, chromosome pairing and chiasma formation were virt
ually absent in both sexes. In the partially asynaptic mutant asb, wit
h intermediate levels of chromosome pairing at pachytene, there were a
higher number of chiasmate chromosome arms in female meiosis than in
male meiosis, whereas in the desynaptic mutant as5 there were normal l
evels of chromosome pairing at pachytene and a similar reduction in ch
iasma frequency in the two sexes. In wildtype tomato, we found slightl
y higher numbers of chiasmate chromosome arms in female meiosis than i
n male meiosis. We propose that the higher female chiasma frequencies
in mutant asb and wild-type tomato result from a longer duration of fe
male meiotic prophase. This would allow chromosomes more time to pair
and recombine. It is possible that a longer duration of prophase I doe
s not affect mutants as5 and as6, either because the meiotic defect ac
ts before the pairing process begins (in as6) or because it acts at a
later stage and involves chiasma maintenance (in as5).