Water samples (60 to 190 L) were taken from the Trenton Channel portio
n of the Detroit River during eight sampling events from March to Octo
ber 1995, and in May 1996. Samples were filtered on-site or at the fie
ld-lab to retain the suspended particulates. Some of the samples were
passed through XAD-2 columns to extract dissolved PCBs, depending on t
otal samples volume and logistical consideration. Concentrations of po
lychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in both the particulate a
nd dissolved fractions. Concentrations ranged from < 5 to 22 ng/L (ave
rage = 10 ng/L) in the particulate, and from < 5 to 13 ng/L in the dis
solved fractions. The average ratio of dissolved PCB concentration to
particle-bound PCB concentration was 0.6; the calculated average total
PCB concentration was 17 ng/L. Annual mass transport of PCBs through
the Trenton Channel in 1995 was estimated to be 600 kg, with potential
point sources along the west shore of the channel contributing less t
han 1.5% of the total mass of PCBs. A general seasonal trend was obser
ved, with lowest PCB concentrations in March and greatest in July. Con
centrations following a significant rainfall increased within the firs
t 24 hr and decreased to approximate ambient levels after 96 hr. In ge
neral, PCB concentrations appear to be greater downstream than upstrea
m, however, this trend was reversed for Day-1 of the rainfall events,
perhaps due to greater particulate loading from upstream of the channe
l. Potential point-sources from industrial or municipal waste-water tr
eatment outfalls showed PCB concentrations up to a factor of 4 greater
than those from the transects in the channel. However, the annual loa
ding of PCBs to the channel. Dissolved concentrations of PCBs determin
ed by C-18 Empore disks were 4.7-fold greater than those determined by
XAD-2 (s.d. = 1.5, n = 4). Further investigations validating this fin
ding are necessary. For this reason, comparisons among different studi
es must be done with caution.