Studies of mass division phenomena in low energy proton-induced fissio
n of light actinides are discussed. From experimental data of excitati
on functions and angular distributions of fission products, it has bee
n found that there are two kinds of fission threshold energies (fissio
n barrier heights); symmetric and asymmetric mass divisions require di
fferent threshold energies. Two kinds of scission configurations for c
ertain mass division have been verified by accurate measurements of fr
agment velocities: compact and elongated scission configurations. A co
rrelation between the two types of threshold energies and the two kind
s of scission configurations has been revealed by observing the incide
nt energy dependence of the yields corresponding to each compact and e
longated scission configuration. It indicates that there are two indep
endent deformation paths in the proton-induced fission of light actini
des; one type of the fission process has a lower threshold energy and
leads to a compact scission configuration with reflection asymmetry, w
hile the other type has a higher threshold energy and leads to a symme
tric elongated scission configuration.