In patients with hypoglycemic syndrome, preoperative localization of t
he insulinoma highly contributes to surgical removal. When the ultraso
nography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance and pancreatic angio
graphy fail to visualize the tumor, they are called occult insulinomas
(OI). In this paper we describe the results of a new diagnostic metho
d to localize OI, performed formed in 5 patients with hypoglycemic syn
drome secondary to endogenous hyperinsulinism. In four out of five pat
ients, computed tomography, magnetic resonance and angiography failed
to show any tumor. In just one single case, these imaging methods show
ed the pancreatic tumor. All patients were studied by selective intraa
rterial pancreatic stimulation (SIPS): a) infusion of calcium gluconat
e (0.025 mEq/kg) in each artery that supplies the pancreas: gastroduod
enal, superior mesenteric and splenic arteries as well as the hepatic
artery; bf insulin Venous sampling in the right supra-hepatic vein at
30 and 60 seconds after arterial stimulation (in one patient an additi
onal sample at 90 seconds was obtained). The study was considered path
ologic when the gradient (basal vs post-stimulus) increased at least 1
00%. Results: In all five patients a pathological gradient was found.
The suspected preoperative localization of the tumor was confirmed at
surgery in four cases. The anatomopathologic examination revealed insu
linoma in four cases and malignant insulinoma in the remaining. It is
concluded that the results of this preliminary experience show the use
fulness of SIPS in the preoperative localization of occult insulinomas