Among other factors contributing to male infertility, chromosomal anom
alies are a frequent finding. Investigating 440 males with reduced spe
rm counts (<20 x 10(6)/mL) we found 19 males with chromosome abnormali
ties (aneuploidies and translocations). This frequency of chromosomal
aberrations (4.3%) is much higher than in the normal population. We we
re able to investigate sperm nuclei from seven out of these 19 men wit
h molecular cytogenetic methods. There were two carriers of Robertsoni
an translocations, two had a constitutional reciprocal translocation a
nd three were XYY males. In addition, one other man with a long histor
y of infertility and a marker chromosome 15 was included. Using fluore
scence in-situ hybridization, it was possible to investigate a great n
umber of sperm nuclei in each case. Each translocation case showed a s
pecific mode of chromosomal segregation; confirming the dependence on
chromosomes involved and the individual segregation pattern in each pa
tient. The well known elimination of the supernumerary Y-chromosome in
XYY males during meiosis was confirmed in our study. Molecular cytoge
netic investigations in sperm provide a more reliable risk estimate wi
th respect to the possible injection of chromosomally unbalanced sperm
during intracytoplasmatic sperm injection and can be valuable in gene
tic counselling.