Adding and removing He-4 from an experimental cell which contains the
porous material Nuclepore results in capillary condensation, hysteresi
s and avalanches. The volume of liquid in the nearly cylindrical pores
in monitored with a capacitance technique. For the situation when all
of the pores are full, the initial removal of He-4 from the cell resu
lts in a slight non-hysteretic decrease int he capacitance which we at
tribute to the isothermal compressibility of He-4. As He-4 atoms are r
emoved, the surface tension at the meniscus applies a negative pressur
e to the liquid in the filled pores, which results in a reduction of t
he density and a decrease in the capacitance. We present results for H
e-4 capillary condensed in 2000 Angstrom pore diameter Nuclepore.