Pollen were analysed in pollen hems accumulated at the base of the bil
l when birds forage in flowers. Among five warbler species, Sylviidae,
caught in spring in Denmark, 1.8% (n = 766) of all individuals carrie
d pollen horns from spring flowering plants, although the proportion o
f hems varied between species (ranged from 0.4 to 4.4%). In contrast,
only one individual captured in autumn had pollen hems (n = 655) which
contained pollen from spring flowering plants. The analysed hems cont
ained predominantly pollen of plant genera Eucalyptus and Citrus restr
icted to the Mediterranean; these plant species occurred almost mutual
ly exclusively amongst the collected pollen horns. The results indicat
e that the Mediterranean is an important stopover area for some warble
rs during spring migration, and demonstrate within and between species
differences in feeding plant species.