The reestablishment of anal function by transposition of the gracilis
muscle, combined with the implantation of electrodes and a neuromuscul
ar stimulator (dynamic graciloplasty), has recently been developed. Wi
th this method, the transposed muscle maintains contraction by electri
cal stimulation to maintain neoanal pressure without fatigue. It is ne
cessary to convert the fatigue-prone gracilis muscle to fatigue-resist
ant muscle by long-term electrical stimulation (conditioning). In most
patients receiving dynamic graciloplasty, the conditioning is accompl
ished after the transposition. However, conditioning before gracilopla
sty should reduce the risk of ischemia in the transposed muscle after
the graciloplasty and improve the outcome. This new sequence of proced
ures is described, in combination with J-pouch construction, in a pati
ent who required abdominoperineal excision of the rectum for lower rec
tal cancer. The graciloplasty was performed after conditioning of the
gracilis muscle in situ; the conditioning did not cause the patient di
scomfort and resulted in good anal function.