Cb. Fleming et al., PARENT DRUG-USE AND BONDING TO PARENTS AS PREDICTORS OF SUBSTANCE USEIN CHILDREN OF SUBSTANCE-ABUSERS, Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse, 6(4), 1997, pp. 75-86
The social development model (Catalano and Hawkins 1996) hypothesizes
that strong bonds to prosocial others and institutions contribute to p
rosocial behavior, while strong beads to antisocial others and institu
tions contribute to antisocial behavior. Consistent with this perspect
ive, previous research indicates that bonding to parents and child sub
stance use are negatively associated for children of non-substance abu
sers but are negligibly or positively associated for children of subst
ance abusers. This paper examines the interactive relationship between
parent drug use, bonding to parents, and child substance use in a lon
gitudinal study of families headed by substance abusers in methadone t
reatment for opiate addiction. Bonding to parents and child substance
use are moderately negatively correlated in children whose parents cea
sed using drugs but are weakly positively correlated in children whose
parents continued using drugs. These results support the social devel
opment model and suggest that family interventions for preventing subs
tance use in children of substance abusers should focus on reducing pa
rent drug use and promote bonding to parents who are abstinent.