Sporotrichal arthritis is a rare disease, with only 51 cases reported
in the English literature, Thirteen patients with sporotrichal arthrit
is have been treated at Wichita area hospitals since 1979, Most of the
patients were middle aged men, Significant alcohol intake was noted i
n 77% of the patients, There were 17 joints involved in the cases, inc
luding 10 knees, three interphalangeal joints, one elbow one midtarsal
, one intercarpal, and one metatarsophalangeal joint, The typical appe
arance was an afebrile patient with a mildly swollen warm joint withou
t erythema, The leukocyte counts were normal in 85% of patients, and t
he erythrocyte sedimentation rates were elevated in 100%, The patients
had various treatments and responses, Response rates included intrave
nous amphotericin B (16%), ketoconazole (40%), and arthrodesis (100%),
Sporotrichal arthritis may be more common than previously thought, It
should be considered early in the differential diagnosis of monoarthr