The recommended treatment for acute diarrhoea includes oral rehydratio
n and rapid refeeding is increasingly recommended. The objective of th
is study was to assess the home use of oral rehydration, and rehydrati
on and realimentation in hospital. The parents of children (aged less
than 4 y) with acute diarrhoea answered questions on supplementary flu
ids and diet during the current diarrhoea at home (n = 129). The admit
ted patients (n = 60) were weighed daily and food consumption was meas
ured (consecutive 3-d food record). Oral rehydration had been attempte
d in 67% of the children managed at the outpatient department and in 6
5% of those admitted. The total energy intake was on average 697 kcal
(95% confidence interval 639-755), which is two-thirds of that recomme
nded for the age group. Oral rehydration has become accepted in the ma
nagement of acute diarrhoea, while rapid realimentation is not yet equ
ally endorsed.