The crystal structure of a nosean-analogous, carbonate-enclathrated co
mpound of ideal composition Na-8[AlSiO4](6)CO3 (cubic, a(0) = 900.1(1)
pm) was determined from powder data using the Rietveld method. The sa
mple was prepared by annealing a basic nitrite sodalite solid solution
in a Stream of carbon dioxide (4,6 l/h) at elevated temperatures (873
K and 1023 K). The total ordering of the framework atoms Si(OAl)(4) w
as revealed by a MAS NMR investigation of Si-29. In contrast to the so
dalite structure, the cage-filling clusters [Na4CO3](2+) and [Na-4](4) are fully ordered. Space group P23 is confirmed along with the order
ing of framework atoms. In accordance with the difference in size betw
een the ordered guest ions, two independent positions for the framewor
k oxygen atoms were found, each associated with a lar er or a smaller
cage type. These special features of the framework can also be ascerta
ined from the split of the v(s)-mode in the 730 cm(-1) region of the s
ymmetric vibrations of the framework constituents in the IR spectra. T
he carbonate anion, with the carbon atom located at the central positi
on, exhibits 12-fold orientational disorder within the beta-cage. The
sodium cations are distributed over two positions. From their coordina
tes, it is possible to derive the location of the cations inside the a
nion-free cages very close to the six-membered rings of the aluminosil
icate framework. The configuration of the ions inside both types of ca
ges should not be considered as static but rather on the basis of high
ly dynamical behaviour which leads to an optimal charge distribution b
etween anion-containing cages and anion-free cages.