Clinical evidence has linked intrauterine compromise such as fetal hyp
oxemia to poor neurologic outcome in the newborn. In this study we exa
mined the effects of inducing chronic fetal hypoxemia by impairment of
placental function on brain development in fetal sheep. Placental ins
ufficiency was induced from 120 to 140 d of gestation (term = 145-148
d) by injection of microspheres into the umbilical circulation in five
fetal sheep. Fetal partial pressure of oxygen, Pao,, was reduced from
24.1 +/- 0.5 mmHg before embolization to 14.8 +/- 0.4 mmHg after embo
lization (p < 0.05), In another three fetuses a similar level of hypox
emia (Pao(2), 13.8 +/- 0.4 mm Ag) occurred spontaneously. At 140 d of
gestation the fetal brains were perfused with fixatives and compared w
ith five control fetuses for the assessment of structural and immunohi
stochemical alterations. Hyperemic fetuses demonstrated severe gliosis
in the cerebral cortex and reduced myelination of subcortical white m
atter as visualized by glial fibrillary acidic protein and myelin basi
c protein staining, respectively (p < 0.05). White matter lesions were
observed in two fetuses. The diameter of cerebral capillaries was inc
reased in hypoxemic fetuses (p < 0.05), but there was no change in the
number of nitric oxide synthase immunoreactive cells. Growth of neuro
nal processes was affected in the cerebellum, where there was also a r
eduction in the number of Purkinje neurons (p < 0.05). These results s
how that a prolonged period of placental insufficiency, resulting in m
oderate fetal hypoxemia during the last third of gestation, can affect
neurodevelopmental processes that occur late in gestation such as mye
lination and growth of the cerebellum. This prenatal damage could affe
ct neural connectivity and have functional consequences after birth.